
Family Law

Inheritance Law

Criminal Law


Kartal, İstanbul


About Me

Attorney Oğuzhan Yazıcı graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 2017. After completing his internship and obtaining his license, he has been practicing law as a member of the Istanbul Bar Association. He also completed his master’s degree in private law at Istanbul University.


Frequently Asked Questions

Corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo?
Do I need to go to court?

If you have given a lawyer power of attorney, it will be enough for this lawyer to follow your case. However, in some cases, the presence of the client may be very helpful, especially during the court discovery.

Who pays court expenses?

As a rule, the costs of the proceedings are covered by the party bringing the case. These expenses are then collected from the party who lost the case. However, it may also be decided that the costs incurred for the evidence requested by the defendant to be brought during the trial shall be paid by the defendant party.

Is it possible to be exempted from court expenses?

We apply to the court for legal aid for clients who cannot afford to pay fees, expert witnesses, notification expenses and similar expenses. However, in order to have the legal aid request accepted, we must first prove the client’s insolvency. For this, it is necessary to obtain documents such as poverty papers. However, we must state that the cost of issuing a power of attorney from a notary public will be borne by the client.

Corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo?
How will I be notified of my case?

Unless otherwise stated by the client, we inform the client after the hearings and inform the client about the next hearing date and what needs to be done, if any.

How long do cases take?

The duration of the trial may vary depending on the subject of the case, the intensity of the court, the attitude and number of the parties. For example, in the case of a worker’s receivables, the trial will be prolonged, as the service determination case will be a pending issue. In the case of dissolution of a partnership based on inheritance, the number of heirs may be two, or it may well be one hundred. In this case, it is possible for the case to be prolonged even just because the heirs cannot be duly notified. We can also say that the courts in Istanbul are generally more intense. As lawyers, the only thing we can undertake to our clients in this regard is to do what is expected of us on time and accurately.

What are my chances of winning?

Although we know that our clients expect us to give a positive answer to this question, we would like to point out that we cannot guarantee winning in any way, and that giving a guarantee is not in line with professional ethics and may be far from reality. The only thing we can guarantee is that we will only act in favor of our clients and we will not hesitate in this regard.

Our Services

Real Estate Law

We defend the rights of our clients in disputes such as dissolution of partnership in real estate, cancellation of savings, cancellation and registration of title deed, construction contracts in return for flat, enforcement and cancellation of will, criticism, expropriation.

Family Law

As family lawyers, we also deal with cases related to divorce, as well as disputes such as the appointment of a guardian and the establishment of paternity.

Criminal Law

We assist our clients, who are parties in criminal proceedings, both in the investigation and prosecution processes, both at the police station and at the courthouse, as a lawyer and attorney.

Labor Law

Disputes such as reemployment, compensation and wage claims arising from the employee-employer relationship are resolved in accordance with the provisions of Labor Law. As Cevizli Law, we act as employee and employer attorneys in disputes within the field of labor law, and also play a role in the arrangement of contracts signed between the parties before and during the employment relationship.

Commercial Law

Disputes within the scope of Article 4 of the TTK are resolved in accordance with the provisions of commercial law. We act as attorneys in the resolution of our clients’ disputes regarding their receivables and debts arising from their commercial activities, and in general in other commercial disputes. In addition, we provide support in the preparation and interpretation of contracts that our clients will conclude with other commercial real and legal persons.

Consumer Law

Disputes arising between those who sell goods and services for commercial and professional purposes and consumers are resolved in accordance with the provisions of consumer law, primarily TKHK. As Cevizli Law, we provide consultancy to our clients in the field of consumer law, as well as represent our clients in consumer arbitration committees, mediation and consumer court stages, and carry out enforcement processes.

İletişime Geç
İletişime Geç
Merhaba 👋
Ücretli danışmanlık ve vekillik hizmeti almak için aşağıdaki butona basabilirsiniz.
Av. Oğuzhan Yazıcı | İstanbul